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PPSA Pictures
2012 Employee Resource Fair: ERF Registration
2012 Employee Resource Fair: Swiping in an ERF attendee
2012 Employee Resource Fair: Year of Proof and Prize Table
2012 Employee Resource Fair: Staff visiting the Public Safety table
2012 Employee Resource Fair: Staff visiting the Penn Museum table
2012 Employee Resource Fair: Staff visiting the African American Resource Center table
2012 Employee Resource Fair: Attendee securely shredding documents at the Recall truck
2012 Employee Resource Fair: Next up for document shredding at the Recall Truck
2012 Employee Resource Fair: Chair Elect Utsav Schurmans helping an attendee at the Gigabiter truck
2012 Employee Resource Fair: All smiles at the electronics disposal truck, Gigabiter
Dr. Gutmann answers PPSA members’ questions 1.17.13
Dr. Gutmann discusses the future of Penn 1.17.13
Presentation on Penn Connects 2.0 11.27.12
University Architect Mark Kocent discusses Penn Connects 2.0
PPSA Volunteer Fair: May 9, 2013
PPSA Volunteer Fair: May 9, 2013
PPSA Volunteer Fair: May 9, 2013
PPSA Volunteer Fair: May 9, 2013
PPSA Volunteer Fair: May 9, 2013
PPSA Volunteer Fair: May 9, 2013