
We would like to thank everyone who came out to the PPSA Election Meeting to greet the candidates and hear our outstanding speakers, James Pawelski, PhD and Suzann Pileggi Pawelski, MAPP.

Thank you to all who voted and for your continued support!

Below are the winners:

Chair Elect:
Nadir Sharif, House Dean, Stouffer College House, College Houses & Academic Services

Members at Large (2 year term):
Rudie Altamirano, Director, International Student and Scholar Services, Penn Global

Odell Jones, Associate Director for Husbandry Operations, ULAR

Stephanie Taitano, Associate Director, Faculty Professional & Leadership Development, Perelman School of Medicine

J. Patrick Walsh, Executive Assistant, Faculty Senate

Anne Corcoran-Petela, Associate Director, Program Management, Wharton (1 year term)


Congratulations to the winners and welcome to the board!

Over the summer you will continue to receive bi-weekly newsletters featuring events on and around campus.  PPSA board meetings and events will resume in September.  We look forward to bringing you new and exciting programming this fall.  If you have ideas for programming or concerns you would like the PPSA to raise on one of the University Council Committees, please email with your thoughts. Thank you.

Have a great summer!

Heather Kelley, Past Chair, PPSA
Stephanie Yee, Chair, PPSA

2016-2017 Executive Committee:

Chair: Heather Kelley, Deputy Director, School of Nursing

Chair-Elect: Stephanie Yee, Laboratory Manager, Perelman School of Medicine

Past Chair: Kuan Evans, Staff Assistant, Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Programs

Members at Large (2-year terms)

2016-2018 Term:

Chris Pastore, Associate Director, Programs in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, The College of Liberal and Professional Studies
Amber Banayat, Associate Director, Center for Neuroinflammation and Neurotherapeutics, Perelman School of Medicine
Nykia Perez Kibler, Director of Information Services, School of Arts and Sciences
Nadir Sharif, House Dean, Stouffer College House, College Houses & Academic Services

2017-2019 Term:

Danielle L. Crowl, Senior Case Manager, Office of Student Conduct
Kris Forrest, Manager, Admin and Finance, University Museum
Christine Lowery, Privacy Investigator, Office of Audit, Compliance, and Privacy
Deona Hatley, House Dean, Hill College House, College Houses & Academic Services

Additional Staff

PPSA LISTSERV Manager: Adam Sherr, Student Registration and Financial Services

PPSA Secretary:Hannah Rollings-Cunningham, Perelman School of Medicine

PPSA Treasurer: Lauren McDonnell, M.S.Ed., Jacobs Levy Equity Management Center for Quantitative Financial Research

PPSA Webmaster: Mayumi Hirtzel, Information Systems and Computing

Go here for a history of PPSA Boards and Officers. Source: Private jet to Naples.